Find announcements for upcoming events, including webinars, learning communities, and conferences being hosted at the intersection of justice and mental health. Archived virtual events are also available.
Past Events
2018 JMHCP Grantee Orientation
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Correctional Facilities, Law Enforcement, Mental Health
Understanding Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in People Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Correctional Facilities, Mental Health
2017 JMHCP Category 2 Law Enforcement Planning Grantee Orientation
Law Enforcement, Mental Health
2017 JMHCP Category 3 Implementation & Expansion Grantee Orientation
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Mental Health
2017 JMHCP Category 1 Collaborative County Grantee Orientation
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Mental Health
National Findings on the Mental Illnesses and Substance Use of People Incarcerated in Prisons and Jails
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Correctional Facilities, Mental Health
Developing a Community-Wide Approach to Responding to People with Mental Illnesses
Law Enforcement, Mental Health