Find announcements for upcoming events, including webinars, learning communities, and conferences being hosted at the intersection of justice and mental health. Archived virtual events are also available.
Past Events
Responding to the 2020 Solicitation for the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
Law Enforcement, Mental Health
2019 JMHCP Grantee Orientation: Category 2
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Law Enforcement, Mental Health
2019 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 2: Grant Management and Financial Reporting
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Mental Health
2019 JMHCP Orientation Webinar Part 1: Training and Technical Assistance Overview
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Mental Health
Responding to the 2019 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Solicitation
Co-Occurring Substance Use, Law Enforcement, Mental Health